About Me

So you made it to my page! If you’re here, you may either be a current fitness freak, a health nut, or maybe you’re trying to figure out how to get started. Well, I’m here to help. I want a place to put all things fitness, health, and LIFESTYLE! So here we are!

My name’s Bre, I’m 28 years old and have been working out for about 7 years. I’ve done different workout classes, Crossfit, I’ve tried camp gladiator, and globo gyms. I’ve also tried every “diet” there is – paleo, macros, carb cycling, etc. I want to share my experiences with you and hopefully spark some excitement in getting you started or just following along!

Let me start by saying I was not a child athlete star. In fact, most people I grew up with would not associate me with fitness AT ALL. Hopefully that will give a few of you more confidence in starting when you’re ready. I started working out when I was about 20 years old and have been obsessed with how it’s changed my mindset and made me feel. This blog is going to be dedicated to sharing my workouts, mental and physical changes, and nutrition. Hopefully it will inspire you to take a chance on your health.

One of our biggest changes this year is that my wonderful boyfriend and I are expecting a baby boy in April 2022! So in the next year I’m going to document my journey from pregnancy to postpartum recovery and getting back into a workout routine. Which I’m realizing is going to look VERY different with a new baby, but I’m excited to bring some new relatable info to my momma friend out there! 

There’s no perfect time to start – you just have to start.